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Effective QA Test Management for Flawless Software Products

Page history last edited by david 15 years, 11 months ago


Even after testing, most of the products are found to have some kind of defects. For the consumers, it has become a normal thing and they don’t think of any quality improvement in years to come. They have come to accept it and therefore don’t expect any sudden change in the way software products are developed. But the fact of the matter is each and every product goes through rigorous testing process, so that its quality can be ensured before it is released.


Advanced software test management tool addresses the problem by sharing the responsibilities of the test management team so that they can channelize their time and resources to more productive tasks. These systems are a welcome respite for the testers as it provides them enough time to concentrate on other important tasks.


Software test management systems help the test engineers in doing all their important tasks and also in collaborating with the rest of the test team. Since all info is just a click away, it saves time spent on waiting for the weekly and monthly status reports. It also helps to keep track of the release’s most important metrics. It makes the process of creating test cases easier.


On the whole advanced test management system is a must have to make things easier for the testers and also to ensure the quality of the software.

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