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Quality Assurance Test Management

Page history last edited by david 16 years, 1 month ago

Test planning, test case creation, execution to all aspects of resource, project management; and even bug tracking and report generation, all these are the responsibilities of the Quality Assurance team. Not only that they also have to ensure that the tested software satisfies the requirements of quality. So there is no doubt about the fact that they have a very demanding job. But if they have the support of an effective QA test management system, it would help them to achieve enhanced levels of productivity in order to ship high quality software on-time. 



These systems help to mitigate burden of the QA team to a great extent. For instance, the live tracking feature saves them the trouble of sending status reports or in gathering details regarding testing such as info on test cases, defects, resources and so on. All the details will be tracked live and organized neatly in beautiful charts, summaries and tables. Moreover, it facilitates easy navigation which helps them to navigate between the numerous projects and releases instantaneously. 



So if the QA team has the support of an advanced QA test management system, then they would be able to channelize their time and resources to more important tasks. 


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