
Test Case Creation

Page history last edited by david 16 years, 8 months ago


Testing is one of the most frequently applied quality assurance techniques in the software engineering world. Its very difficult to align and manage quality according to business needs throughout the life-cycle; identifying defects, creating test cases, debugging, defect tracking, reporting, etc. Of course, many companies use different type of tools; IBM Rational, Borland, MySQL etc.


A 'test case' contains a sequence of steps describing actions to be performed, test data to be used and an expected response for each action performed. The level of details specified in test cases will vary depending on organizations, projects and also on the 'test case template' used or on the test management tools being used in the project.


Construction of 'test cases' also helps in finding issues or gaps in the requirements or technical design itself. A 'test case' construction activity would make tester to think through different possible positive and negative scenarios.


There are several test management systems available to maintain reports; MySQL is a tool that will increase the production of test cases but there are no one tool available to maintain reports. Zephyr, test management system, could be the probable solution for this; it helps to open your 'test case' creation application and the areas or 'test cases' assigned to you are right there, all neatly organized for you to start writing them.

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