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Test Management for Trouble Free Testing

Page history last edited by david 16 years, 1 month ago

Effective test management should be in place in order to ensure that the software product under testing is superior in quality and the responsibility of developing such quality products is upon the QA test management team. But the smooth progress of testing is hampered by several factors. Of these the most important is collaboration. In this age of global collaboration where almost all products are developed by globally dispersed teams, effective communication is highly necessary to work, collaborate and interact productively. All this calls for an advanced test management system. 


Since the advanced test management systems are feature-rich, they mitigate the problems faced by the QA team to a great extent. Its live and automated dashboards keep the whole company updated about every aspect of testing and product quality. Its Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows it to be easily integrated with other systems. These are real assets for the testers as well as vendors as these have brought RSS, Blogging, Collective Intelligence, Themes, Tag Clouds and Real-Time Data Push into the test management space. 


Such test management systems help the QA test management team to work effectively and in lesser time. This in turn helps the test teams to achieve enhanced levels of productivity in order to ship high quality software on-time.




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