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Test Management Gets Easier

Page history last edited by david 16 years, 2 months ago


Software quality is an important aspect of any software development process. Effective test management ensures the delivery of quality software projects. Every requirement needs proper test coverage, and when issues are uncovered during the testing phase, these defects need to be accurately tracked, evaluated and resolved. But the problem is the definition of quality is different for different people. For instance, for the development team it stands for performance, reliability, functionality and so on. Where as for end users, it stands for systems that provide them what they want that too, when they want it. But the onsite and offshore teams using different testing tools, development processes and technology platforms complicate this process. These complications and the amount of tasks make advanced software Test Management system a must in order to gain control of the process.


Besides, Quality Assurance teams with their age-old document based methods and outdated applications aren’t that successful in assessing the quality of the software. The result was that software quality took a beating; almost all the products had some kind of defects. This called for an improved quality in software development.


Test Management includes various functions such as planning, authoring, executing, and reporting on tests and so on. The test management team encounters several problems such as lack of time and resources, difficulty in communicating with geographically dispersed testing teams, problems of linking testing with requirements and development, reporting the right information and finally delivering the tested software to the market on time.


All this resulted in the development of advanced Test Management system that helps in managing the software testing process more effectively.


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