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Unique Test Services Offer Test Automation

Page history last edited by david 14 years, 2 months ago

If you're running an organization, you may be facing many challenges around communication and collaboration, like lack of a comprehensive test management system, inability to show value differentiation in crowded services, no dedicated service platform for test services and so on. Hence, as an owner you will have to think of the easiest way to manage these issues. It may be essential for you to adopt dedicated unique test services like "Software-as-a-Service" model that allows rapid deployment and segmentation of customer requirements, IP enabling system that allows you to leverage test cases, methodology, processes, reports etc.

There are many
software test automation solutions that provide easy-to-use interface, allowing manual tests to be marked as automated. This test software may also provide real-time metrics about the amount and level of automation that your test suites have.

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